Latest FNA News:
Uplifting News:
Your vacant property is a vulnerable target!
Listing and selling a home can be stressful, especially if you no longer live on the property. What makes selling a vacant home so much more...
Fichardt Park Map with Zones
Below is the link to the Map of Fichardt Park with the Zones The suburb is divided into Fourteen(14) blocks.The blocks are grouped in three zones:...
Tips to protect your Identity in our Orange bag waste removal process.
Protecting your identity when putting out household waste can be important to prevent identity theft and privacy breaches. Here are some tips to...
Protecting yourself against Cybercrime
Protecting yourself against cybercrime involves a combination of good practices, awareness, and the use of security tools. After several crime...
Invitation to townhouse complexes.
The FNA invites all townhouse complexes to contact the FNA management regarding FNA membership. Call Alma on 060 567 3572.Both Vergenoegd and Naledi...
Bee removal close to Fichardt Park Primary School
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Misdaadvoorkomingswenke om by woonhuise in Fichardtpark toe te pas.
10 Misdaadvoorkomingswenke om by Fichardtpark woonhuise toe te pas: Installeer sekuriteitstelsels: Belê in 'n goeie sekuriteitstelsel met kameras,...
Preventing gate motor theft requires a combination of security measures.
10 Tips for preventing gate motor theft: Install a robust gate motor:Choose a gate motor with strong security features and tamper-resistant...
Geskiedenis van herwinning in Fichardtpark
Om n projek suksesvol af te handel, is ‘n span nodig, byvoorbeeld om 'n huis te bou.Vir die afgelope 10 jaarvan die FWA se bestaan, is die...
History of Fichardt Park and the Brandkop Farm
Fichardt came from Germany to Bloemfontein in 1853.Aspects of the history of certain individuals of the Fichardt-family had been investigated and...
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